How do you eat? White Practice

White and white are preferred. Cold, for yin deficiency heat, constipation, red throat, throat and other fever is appropriate.

The effectiveness and role of white

Diuretic and thirst-quenching, hangover poison, tonic, and jaundice.

How to choose white

The plump white bamboo shoots on behalf of ample moisture, bamboo shoots straight, bamboo shoots smooth bamboo shoots shoots tender;

If the body is thin, flat, curved and incomplete, the taste is poor.

In addition, the top green shell or green part of the bamboo shoot is blue-green, which means that the white bamboo shoots have been aging and the taste is not good.


Braised white

Ingredients: Poria white meat sauce soy sugar onion ginger


One, rinse white clean, remove the outer fiber skin, slice

2. Add base oil to the pan and fry the meat to slightly oil

Three, add onion ginger ginger wine to simmer, and then put soy sauce sugar, the amount of salt tune the taste of teriyaki sauce

Fourth, under the white, add a little water, burn about 3 minutes, burn out the pot on the ok ~

White scrambled eggs

Ingredients: White egg sauce, wine, sugar, starch, chicken powder


One, white slices, broken eggs. Add a little bit of soy sauce and cooking wine to the egg solution.

Second, the pan pour oil, heat, pour the egg into the egg cake

Three, Sheng after the slice

4. Pour the appropriate amount of oil into the pot and stir it until it is slightly browned.

Five, spray a little cooking wine, pour oyster sauce (or soy sauce), then add sugar to taste

Six, with starch, water, chicken powder, sugar and a little soy sauce into a starch sauce into the water, into the pot heated to a thick thin glutinous juice

Seven, then pour white eggs and eggs back into the pot, evenly wrapped with wolfberry juice

茭 White fried pork

Ingredients: 5 white rice, 2 pork, 4 garlic, 1 red pepper


One, salted pork, cooking wine and starch are kneaded and marinated for a short time

2. Go to the old root and the outer skin, cut into 3 cm segments, and then erect and cut into 0.5 cm slices. Lay them flat and cut into thick 0.5 cm thick threads along the lines. This is the crucial point. It is not cut obliquely and shredded. It will damage the texture and its texture will not be brittle.

Third, the garlic is ready for use

Fourth, the hot pot into a slightly wider point of the oil, stir the pork until the color change to one side, into the garlic stir-fry flavor, pour white silk stir fry, add a little soy sauce, salt, sugar, water After the stir-fry, cover and cover for 2 minutes. Open the lid, add a red pepper ring, stir fry evenly


One of the secrets to making this dish of white meat is: shreds should be cut vertically and garlic is the key. In addition, garlic must be added to the oil before it is poured into the scent, so that it can be used to maximize the absorption of garlic. Do not put garlic when cooking.

Second, add a little soy sauce and a few grains of white sugar together, can play an unexpected effect of improving taste. It is recommended not to lack.

Third, the old white root must be cut off. The skin must also be shaved with a planer, especially at the junction between the festival and the festival. It is important to shave the old skin. Only tender.

Fourth, white and white than green, white and tender.

Fifth, to make this vegetable oil can not be too little, a little more than a little fried speckled vegetables.

White chicken rice

Ingredients: White 500g chicken breast 200g millet pepper 3 cucumber 1/2 oil sesame oil dry starch Miracle salt MSG 13 fragrant shallot segments


One, wash white, go to the old shell, diced

Second, cucumber wash dicing

Three, millet pepper wash to pedicle, cut circle

Fourth, chicken breast wash cheddar

Fifth, add dry starch, salt, beautiful fresh, thirteen incense grasp uniform sizing

6. Put the oil in the pot and heat it and put it in the spring onions and millet peppers.

Seven, enter the chicken, quickly stir fry chicken discoloration, Sheng out

Eight, on the pot, enter the oyster whiting stir fry until eight mature

Nine, add chicken, cucumber d stir fry number, add salt, monosodium glutamate seasoning, pour a little sesame oil to wok


First, to make the sizing of chicken non-stick pan, one oil is slightly more, but to high-temperature fast fried.

Second, when choosing the teaching materials, it is necessary to choose the flesh-colored white and the appearance of hypertrophy to remind that the uniformity is better.

Third, the high content of oxalic acid in white peony, not with the tofu with the food, when the soup to be a special idea to avoid forming a solid.