Usage of cassia seed

As people pay more and more attention to dietary health, traditional Chinese medicine that was previously unknown by cassia seed has become famous because of its various effects on the body. On TV, radio shows its name frequently. Among the supermarkets, cassia slimming tea is also placed in the most prominent position. Natural weight loss is harmless, and today we must start from the drinking method and introduce all the effects of cassia.

1, Cassia and green tea match

Drink: 5 grams of cassia seed and green tea, remove the cassia seed with a small fire until the aroma overflows, allow it to cool, then pour boiling water with the green tea and drink it.

Efficacy: Heat Pinggan, lipid-lowering blood pressure, laxative, eyesight and eye-catching benefits.

The modern "TV family", "computer family" and other people who may cause eye strain may wish to drink frequently, but it is best to drink less at night.

Reminder: If there is a fragrance overflow during frying, do not fry. Deficiency of the spleen and stomach, lack of blood and blood should not take.

2, Juju cassia tea

This is the most widely used among all cassia drinkers.

Drink method: 10 grams of medlar, 3 grams of chrysanthemum, 20 grams of cassia seed. The wolfberry, chrysanthemum and cassia seed are brewed with boiling water at the same time.

Efficacy: Qinggan Xiehuo, Yang Yin eyesight, blood pressure and lipid-lowering.

3, Cassia honey drink

This method of drinking may be more suitable for those who do not like the taste of cassia, but who want to enjoy the health benefits of cassia.

Practice: fried cassia seed 10 to 15 grams, honey 20 to 30 grams. The cassia seed is crushed, add 300 to 400 ml of boiling water for 10 minutes, stir into the honey and mix well, sooner or later.

With laxative effect, can treat benign prostatic hyperplasia and habitual constipation.

4, cassia tea

Use 15 grams of fried cassia seed or cassia seed that has been smashed. Drink tea directly until the tea is colorless.

The drinking of cassia seed tea by the elderly not only contributes to the smoothness of the stool, but also provides health functions such as improving eyesight, reducing blood pressure, and regulating lipids.

For elderly people with yin deficiency and blood deficiency, they may add 9 grams of wolfberry fruit, quince chrysanthemum, and 5 grams of raw materials to each other;

If the elderly have symptoms of qi deficiency, they should add 3 grams of sun-dried ginseng.

Reminder: Severe qi and loose stools should not be used, pregnant women should not use cassia seed tea.

5, chrysanthemum cassia porridge

This may be regarded as the method of eating cassia seed, but in itself it is blindly Chinese medicine, chrysanthemum is also a blind Chinese medicine, mainly to heat and heat, and the two match, the role of its fire and purge it is strengthened.

The specific approach is: chrysanthemum 10 grams, 10 to 15 grams of cassia seed, 50 grams of rice, rock sugar amount.

First, stir the cassia to a slight aroma, remove it, and after the cold, chrysanthemum drizzle, to the slag juice, into the glutinous rice porridge, porridge will be cooked, add rock sugar, boil and eat. Once a day, take 5 to 7 days in a row.

Suitable for high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and habitual constipation.

Reminder: The stool diarrhea is not allowed.