Healthy recipes for instant noodles

Healthy recipes for instant noodles

1, fresh shrimp instant noodles

Ingredients: shrimp, wonton, instant noodle cake

Excipients: rape, seaweed, shiitake mushrooms, dried shrimps, etc.

Seasoning: salt, chicken powder, pepper, sesame oil

Practice: After the cooked bread is cooked over the water, and then shrimp, oysters, mushrooms, rape and other materials cooked with soup Sheng. Add the noodles to the soup, add the appropriate amount of salt, chicken powder, and dried noodles according to your personal taste. Finally, pour some sesame oil.

2, assorted cold noodles

Ingredients: Cucumber, carrot, bean sprouts, flour cake

Accessories: Haimi, green onion, garlic

Seasoning: salt, sesame oil, white vinegar, sugar, bean paste

Practices: After boiling cooked noodle soup spare. Cucumbers and carrots are cut into wire and placed in cooked instant noodles. Join Heimi, green onion, garlic and other accessories. If you like sweet and sour flavor, you can add white vinegar and sugar to make a sweet and sour cold noodles; like the sauce, you can also add a small amount of soy sauce to make a sauce-flavored noodles. Cold noodles are simple to make and are suitable for consumption in summer at home.

3, salad

Ingredients: 1 packet of crisp noodles, 1 salted egg, 1 carrot, 5 cherry tomatoes, 1 lemon, 20 grams of bean sprouts

Seasoning: instant noodles seasoning, salad dressing amount

Features: crisp, refreshing and interesting

Method: The crushed noodle body is crushed, the package is opened, the instant noodle bag is poured into a small amount, shaken and poured into a salad bowl; the virgin fruit is cut in half, the salted egg is diced, the carrot is shredded, and the bean sprout is gone Head to tail, lettuce cut into strips about 1 cm long, add the salad bowl; lemon squeezed juice, lemon peel cut into the bowl. Adding lemon can maintain the bright color of the vegetables, but also add flavor; salad dressing bowl and mix well with salad dressing.

Instant noodles are just an emergency food, not a staple food. So everyone eats instant noodles as little as possible under unnecessary circumstances. If eaten for a long time, it may cause gastrointestinal diseases. Small instant noodles are actually not simple, scientific and reasonable consumption, can make instant noodles convenient for people's lives. Instant noodles are only suitable for emergency purposes. They can be eaten once a day, but not every day.