The nutritional value of dried longan

Longan also known as puzzle, longan meat, longan mature fruit. Nature, sweet, containing thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, ascorbic acid and other chemical components, with Qi and blood, soothe the nerves, nourishing and tonifying the effect. For insomnia and forgetfulness, spleen deficiency, diarrhea, lack of energy embolism.


Benefit heart and spleen, qi and blood, peace of mind. Indications are imaginary weakness, heart palpitations, insomnia, forgetfulness, spleen deficiency, diarrhea, postpartum edema, lack of energy, spontaneous sweating and other symptoms.

nutrient content

Per 100 grams (dry product) of moisture content 26.9 grams, protein 5 grams, fat 0.2 grams, carbohydrates 65.4 grams, calories 283 kcal, crude fiber 0.6 grams, ash 1.9 grams, calcium 30 mg, phosphorus 118 mg, iron 4.4 mg, thiamine 0.0 g mg, riboflavin 0.6 mg, niacin 2.5 mg, ascorbic acid 34 mg, and potassium 392 mg, sodium 1.0 Mg, magnesium 98 mg.
