Lotus Pest Control

The diseases of lotus root are mainly corruption, which is caused by Fusarium in the soil. In severe cases, the leaves die. Rotation can be used to prevent infection. The initial spraying of 0.4% Bordeaux mixture has better control effect.
Insect pests are locusts, Spodoptera litura, available 40% omethoate 1500 times. Or insecticide 500 times, or 90% trichlorfon 1000 times control. Underground pests have leeches, and the larvae suck the juice from the stem sections and roots in the mud. The prevention method is to apply 100 kg of lime to the mu in front of the seed pod, or to combine 15 kg of lime in the top dressing.

Tomato belong solanaceous fruit products, our company produce a lot of tomatoes, Tomato seeds, seeds are clean, the variety growth potential is strong, strong resistance, different parts of the plant needs to grow in combination with the practical situation of the local climate conditions, appropriate facilities and open field cultivation, and has a wide adaptability, good fruit shape, bright color, taste good, tomatoes, area yield 7500 kg, small tomato area yield 4000 kg, is one of the most high quality varieties of tomato varieties.

Tomato seeds

Pink Tomato, Red Tomato, Red Round Tomato, Red Long Tomato, Yellow Round Small Tomato, Yellow Long Tomato

Ningxia Zhongqing Agricultural Technology Co. Ltd. , http://www.zq-vegetableseeds.com