Watermelon harvest notes

Watermelon Harvest Precautions Store the watermelon in time. Early harvest, poor quality. Before the ripening of the watermelon, but no breathing changes occurred, the quality and flavor were good. When the late-maturing varieties bloom 40 days or so after the flowering, several tendrils around the fruit wither, the fruit handle hairs fall off, the fruit glows bright and shiny, and when the voiced sound occurs with the finger shells, the melon is very mature and suitable for instant food. The storage of melons must be mature. The raw melons cannot be stored. One week before harvesting, irrigation should be stopped. Early morning picking is beneficial and should not be harvested when the temperature is high in the hot sun. Take care when picking to prevent injuries and internal injuries. Picked melons should be transported in a timely manner. Too late to transport should be placed in a cool place. The bumps, vibrations, and squeezing of watermelon during harvesting, handling, and transportation can cause internal injuries that are difficult to detect on the surface. During storage, this kind of internal wounded melon is extremely susceptible to corruption. Therefore, the best watermelon can be stored in the place of production, to avoid long-distance transport.

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