How to produce radish sprouts

Selection. General radish seeds can be used, but the green fat radish seeds as well, commonly used in Hunan doll radish, white radish, six radish and so on. Soil preparation. Choose a well-drained, soil-soiled plot of land to be used as a loquat, requiring that the loquat surface be flat, the soil be finely chopped, and the soil be filled with fertilizer and water. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in clean water for half a day. After sowing, the seeds are sown uniformly. About 100 grams of seeds are planted in square meters. After sowing, they are covered with loose fine soil, and the average soil thickness is 2-3 cm. Watering. The radish is warm and humid, not resistant to high temperatures, and it does not require watering under rainy conditions. It should be watered sooner or later when it is dry, but it should be avoided when the water is overwhelmed. When the seedlings are 3 cm high, they are topped with fertilizer and water. reward. When the temperature of the radish buds is appropriate, the seedlings can be harvested when the seedlings grow to 5-6 cm after 7-10 days of seeding. The cool and rainy days generally take about 15 days. The harvesting time is usually tonight or early morning. Yellow buds grow. Seeds were sowed with 10 mm of cover fine soil and the shoots were harvested after they were unearthed. This yellow bud, the quality is more crisp. China Agricultural Network Editor

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