Appropriate eating lotus seeds in autumn can repair damaged spleen and stomach function

In order to improve the relative weakness of the spleen and stomach in summer, Chinese medicine health experts reminded the public that they can properly eat more food such as lotus seeds to strengthen their spleen and stomach.

Li Jian, chief physician of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Branch of the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, pointed out that when the weather becomes more and more cool and pleasant, people’s appetite improves significantly compared to summer, regardless of the variety or weight of food they eat. However, after a long hot summer, people's spleen and stomach function is weak, lack of body fluids, digestion and absorption function can not keep up for a time, so it is easy to appear gastrointestinal problems, such as indigestion, bloating, diarrhea and so on.

Experts remind the public that to prevent gastrointestinal problems, they should eat less foods with high oil content and do not eat too much food; at the same time, they should also strengthen their spleen and stomach, and can eat more nuts such as lotus seeds, peanuts, chestnuts, hazelnuts, and walnuts.

Nv Er Hong, literally means Daughter Red, a metaphor of a girl reached her full maturity through 18 years of upbringing. In ancient times, parents bought jarred wine and stored when daughter were born, and when their daughter were married at the age of 18, they would open the jar to drink the wine. It reveals Chinese cultural characteristics and echoes with Zhuang Yuan Hong. With red as the main color for packing, a celebrative color, deeply loved by the newlyweds. A mild wine, suitable for wedding.

Nv Er Hong Yellow Rice Wine

Nu Er Hong,Nv Er Hong Wine,Nv Er Hong Rice Wine,Nv Er Hong Yellow Rice Wine