Alfalfa field management 5 points

1. Fertilization: In areas where barren wasteland, saline-alkaline soil and soil nitrogen content are too low, urea should be added as a seed fertilizer at seeding time. After seedling or greening, weak seedlings or the first and second years before the roots are unbuilt To apply nitrogen fertilizer; after the seedlings become plants, you need a lot of phosphate fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer in addition to sowing before the bottom of the fertilizer, the need for topdressing once a year. Apply 20-30 kg of calcium phosphate per acre and apply it with 2000 kg of alum. At present, the promotion of bacterial fertilizers in various places, such as increasing production of bacteria, EM, spray Shi Bao, etc. have a good effect on the growth of earthworms.

2. Weeding: Weeding is a regular work, especially after turning green, seedling stage, before and after the second cut. Fertilization and irrigation should be carried out after each harvest. Weeding after weeding, weeding can be used for cultivating, cutting and chemical agents. Chemical weeding, efficacy should be 2 to 3 weeks before castration failure, so as not to cause livestock poisoning.

3. Irrigation and drainage: The earthworm grows fast, the yield is high, and the water requirement is also large. After branching, the soil needs to be kept moist. Irrigation with furrow irrigation, irrigation can be. Pre-winter, after-green, and post-cutting should be filled with water; low-lying areas should pay attention to the rainy season drainage, flooding the roots of flooded intolerance, flooding 24 hours will cause death, should promptly rule out the field water.

4. Pest control: After 4 years of growth, there are more pests and diseases in earthworms. Disease prevention and treatment include pharmacy, early cutting, and removal of diseased leaves. However, the fundamental prevention and control is also the selection of disease-resistant varieties and pre-sowing drugs for seed dressing.

5. Harvest: 2 to 3 times a year can be castrated, and 4 to 5 times can be cast in regions with good conditions.苜蓿 From the initial flowering period to full flowering period is about 7 to 10 days. The first castration was optimal during the initial flowering period (1/10 flowering) when the protein yield was highest. The flowering period should not be exceeded at the latest; otherwise, the fallen leaves will be severe and the stalks will have fibrosis and the quality will decline. When water and fertilizer conditions are good, they are cut every 35 to 40 days. It is best to leave about 5 centimeters when castrated, which will affect the yield too much, and it will also hinder the growth of the regenerated shoots. In the last harvest, we must pay attention to leave 40 to 50 days of growth in order to facilitate the winter. Dry and dry for a long time in a baling store. Dry leaves cause defoliation and affect the quality of the grass.

Classification of testing reagents on the market:

1. Nucleic acid detection reagents((2019-nCoV) Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit) are medical reagents, with high accuracy and high price. The throat takes liquid samples for testing. It takes 2 hours to produce the results. It requires professional equipment. The professionalism is high. The compliance rate is 97%. Degrees of preservation, dry ice transportation! Suitable for hospitals, government agencies!

2. Antibody Detection Reagents(COVID-19 IgM/IgGAntibody Detection Kit) are civilian detection reagents that need instrumental assistance. The accuracy is average. The blood test can produce results in 15-30 minutes. It is fast and simple, and the price is low (about 8.5 US dollars). It is shipped at room temperature! Suitable for civilian use

3. Colloidal gold,test kits(Colloidal Gold COVID-19 IgM/IgG Detection Kit), civil reagents, blood tests, pregnancy test papers, no instruments required, fast results in 5 minutes, a few minutes, 8 US dollars each! Normal temperature transportation.

Nucleic Acid Diagnostic Kit

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