Storage, Preservation and Simple Processing of Winter Melon

Storage should be stored storage of wax gourd, cultivation should first consider the use of storage and transportation, meat thickness, compact meat, seed capsule cavity of small species, compared to the Qingpi melon than pink skin melon storage transport. The melons were selected for melons, neat and ripe, free of pests and diseases, individuals, melon hairs, skin black or dark green fruits. Before irrigation, watering should be stopped. After 1-2 weeks of water control, picking is performed when the temperature is low on sunny mornings. In order to prevent rot caused by damage to the cucurbit body, scissors should be cut at a distance of 3 cm from the handle. After harvesting, handling and transport should be carried out gently, never touch or fall. In particular, rolling and throwing should be prohibited to prevent internal hemorrhoids from being damaged due to vibration. Any melon that has been hit by frost, sunburned or rotted, or bugged is not suitable for storage. The storage method of wax gourd is relatively simple, and it can be piled up in indoor and outdoor greenhouses. It can also be stored in the storage, cellaring in caves, and even hanging. Stacking: on the ground, first spread a layer of fine sand or wheat stalks, straw, and then pile on the top of the fruit, generally use "product" shape stacking or 2-3 layer tile stacked; also can make the handle up, a Place a layer one by one. However, regardless of the type of placement, walkways should be properly reserved for inspection. Baskets are stacked and the baskets must not be placed too full, leaving a gap between the baskets to facilitate ventilation and avoid extrusion. Pug baskets can be stacked in a horse-riding style, preferably 3-4 basket heights. In the early period of storage, the outside temperature is relatively high. It is necessary to open the window for ventilation at night, and to turn off the shade during the day to avoid direct sunlight. Indoor air should be fresh and dry, and keep cool. When outside temperatures are low, especially during the severe winter months, doors and windows need to be closed to prevent cold. The temperature should be kept above 0°C. Suitable temperature is about 10 °C, relative humidity 70% -75%, storage period of up to 2-3 months. Shelf storage: Put the gourd on the storage rack of the warehouse, and lay a layer of straw bales on it. Place the wax gourd on the top and put it on the way down. This pendulum method has good heat dissipation and easy inspection. Simple processing 1, dried melon. The melon with fleshy hypertrophy was selected, peeled and cut into 1 cm thick slices and placed in the sun for 8-10 hours. Move into the room or under the pergolas and naturally soften for 8-12 hours. After the melons are soft, bunches of bundles are bundled at 2.5-5 kg ​​per bundle. In order to prevent mildew, it must be re-lighted for 3-4 hours and the middle sun 1-2 times. Serve as dried melon. 2, pickled melon. Use old ripe melons to scrape off the skin, drain it and cut it into a cylinder. 25 kg of salt per 100 kilograms of winter gourd, put a layer of winter melon sprinkled a layer of salt, once a day cylinder. When the cylinder is inverted, heat the soup to dissolve the salt. Preserved for 20 days is the finished product, which can be stored in closed cylinders. The white color of the finished product is not bad. 3, sweet sauce melon will be cut into 3 cm, 1.3 cm wide melon pieces. First pickle, put the crisp winter melon into the water tank and pour the water out, about 3 times, and then put it in the bag to control the water for 5-6 hours, then put the water into the tank and marinade it. Every 100kg of crisp winter melons should be cooked with 75kg of miso sauce, marinade sauce for 3-4 days and 3-4 times a day. Marinate sauce and then remove, into a separate cylinder, and then replaced by sweet sauce sauce system, per 1000 kg of butter sauce of the melon with 75 kg of sweet noodle sauce, beaten 4 times a day. The cylinder is the finished product of sweet sauce melon.