Cultivation of Gastrodia, put a good three

First, the temperature off temperature directly affects the growth, yield and quality of Gastrodia. The optimal temperature for the growth of Gastrodia elata is 15-25°C. When the temperature exceeds 30°C, the growth of Armillaria mellea and Gastrodia elata is severely inhibited. When the temperature is lower than 15°C, the growth rate of tuber in Tianma will slow down and stop. Below 5°C, the tubers of Gastrodia will be rotted by freezing. Therefore, temperature control is the key to successful cultivation of gastrodia.
Second, the humidity off planting Gastrodia requires an average relative humidity of about 80%, in the growing season when the humidity is less than 60% is not conducive to Gastrodia growth, more than 80% and easy to cause tuber rot, so pay special attention.
Third, light illumination artificial cultivation of Gastrodia most of the indoor, air-raid shelter, basement, greenhouse. Gastrodia elata should avoid direct sunlight from planting to harvesting. When sunlight is applied, it should be used to cool the greenhouse to ensure that the gastrodia tuber can grow normally. From this, it can be seen that artificial cultivated gastrodia must analyze the local conditions for the growth of Gastrodia, and do not introduce blindly. In accordance with local conditions, scientific planting, mastering the growth habits of Tianma, and strengthening management, can we achieve success.