Is body weight the accomplice of breast cancer?

According to the latest research published in The New York Times, the rapid increase in weight of menopausal women will increase the likelihood of breast cancer.

Researchers at the U.S. Center for Health Care and Health investigated a large number of breast cancer risk factors and found that women over the age of 18 who weighed 55 pounds (1 pound equals approximately 0.45 kilograms) were 1.5 times more likely to have breast cancer than women of normal weight. Times.

Menopause weight gain 22 pounds, the possibility of breast cancer increased by 18%; the contrary if the weight loss of 22 pounds, this risk is reduced by 57%. The study also found that fat is a major source of estrogen in postmenopausal women.

Hans Allison, a lecturer at the Harvard Medical School who is the main planner of the study, said: “Most factors that cause breast cancer cannot be controlled and reduced by themselves. But weight is a factor that women can control, so women should pay attention to their own weight. Changes, especially during menopause."


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