Eight main points of summer hog breeding

In summer, the climate is very hot. Pigs are warm-blooded animals with thick subcutaneous fat and underdeveloped sweat glands. Therefore, in order to resist heat, pigs can easily fall off, grow slowly, and even die of heat stroke. Experts suggest that raising pigs in the middle of the summer must be stepped up to prevent the heat and cool down to ensure safer live pigs. The specific points are as follows.

1, to build a shelter shade: the majority of rural pigs are open-type pigs, should be placed in the shelter before the shelter before taking shelter, to prevent direct sunlight.

2. Adjust the structure of the diet: During the midsummer period, the energy feed in the diet should be relatively reduced, increasing the green feed. Normal energy feed is 50% to 70%, summer is 40% to 50%; green feed is increased from 0.5 to 1 kg to 1 to 1.5 kg. The feed should be fresh and free from mildew.

3, the implementation of the night feeding pigs at night to feed the pigs, can reduce the daytime activities, increase the pig's sleep time. In addition, there is less outside interference at night, the weather is relatively cool, after the pig eats, can sleep more than 18 hours a day, is conducive to the growth of pigs. The feeding time can be performed at 7:00, 11:00, and 4:00 in the morning. Feeding 3 times a night and feeding 0.5% salt water and greenish succulent feeds at 10am and 2pm during the day. Feeding a reasonable, to meet the needs of 50 kg of pigs, the same daily weight gain of 0.5% to 0.75% kg.

4, provide adequate clean drinking water: high temperatures in the summer, the body temperature of the pig will be affected, if sufficient drinking water, body temperature will not increase under the regulation of the water; pigs can also breathe through the lungs of respiratory air by rapid breathing In vitro, water vapor takes away excess heat from the body. Water is the best solvent and transportation tool for all kinds of nutrients. Excluding waste in the body also runs through water. Pig body water accounts for 1/3 to 1/2 of the weight, and summer pig daily drinking water is 238% of itself. Drink 0.5% saline to regulate body temperature.

5, to reduce the temperature within the house: cooling water can be used to cool the ground wall cooling ring, there are tap water pipes, rinse several times a day, in the afternoon, there is no water for the basin with water to reduce the temperature.

6. Cool pig body with water: Wash the pig body with spray or shower 2~4 times a day to help the pig body to radiate heat. The water from the first well, which has a lower temperature, can be sun-dried once in the sun. The water can be used to flush the pig body, which can not only cool the heat but also make the pig body clean and sanitary. However, when rinsing pigs with water, they should be arranged before feeding, and should not be washed within 30 minutes after feeding, and the pig's head should not be suddenly washed with water to prevent the head blood vessels from contracting and shocking.

7, feed heatstroke: The method can be used 1 vinegar or pickled cabbage juice. After the pig has vinegar or vinegar juice, the temperature of the pig can be decreased in a certain period of time, so as to achieve the purpose of cooling off. Each time can be taken orally 250 to 500 ml, depending on the size of the pig increase or decrease. 2 white lentil soup. White lentils have the effect of relieving heat and strengthening stomach, and 20 to 50 grams of weight can be used depending on the weight of the pig to make soup with Jianzhi. 3 green bean soup. Take the amount of green beans, add water 20 times until the skin is rotten, cool, drink soup to eat beans. 4 With plantain and light bamboo leaves, add water to cook into the soup and mix with the feed to feed the pig. 5 watermelon rind. Two kilograms of fresh watermelon rind, smashed and mixed with 100 grams of sugar, the other day.

8, kill mosquitoes and flies: mosquitoes can be used to dry and chopped ramie leaves, 25 grams per cubic meter of space for smoke; 1 fly can use dipterex fly control, add 100 copies of water at the fly to spray; or take 500 grams of fresh buckwheat leaves were tied with a string, and diesel oil and water were hung in the door of the house at a ratio of 3:7. They were changed for 7 to 10 days. This had no effect on the pig and was safer.

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