Skillful cultivation of ginger and high yields

Soil cultivation is an important measure to determine the yield and quality of ginger. The proper cultivation of earth can make ginger grow robustly and produce high yields. Ginger roots need to grow in a dark, moist environment and stop growing when they see light. Therefore, soil should be cultivated with the growth of ginger. If the soil is not cultivated in time, the rhizome of ginger will be exposed to the air, which will seriously affect the quality and yield of ginger.
For Jiang Peituo should be adapted to local conditions.
The first soil had 3 to 5 tillers in the rhizome of ginger, but it began when the surface was not exposed, and the soil was about 2 cm thick. At this time, only a small rake or hook and other farm tools, will be 4 to 5 cm on both sides of the ginger planting ditch ridge width (usual ridge width 25 to 30 cm) along the ridge edge down into the planting ditch, watering can be. This will not only prevent the growth of weeds, but also benefit the rhizome expansion of ginger. The first time the soil can not be too thick, otherwise it will easily affect the permeability of the soil, resulting in the growth of ginger sprouts blocked, reduced root tiller, slow growth, yield and quality are affected.
The second earthing should be carried out 20 days after the first earth-cultivation, with a thickness of 2 to 3 cm. At this time, the ridges on both sides of the ginger planting ditch can be plunged into the ginger planting ditch with a small rake or a hook or other agricultural implement. The soil should not be too thick, otherwise it will easily cause the growth of ginger rhizomes and affect the yield.
The third earth training, also known as "large cultivation," is carried out 15 days after the second soil incubation, and the thickness is preferably 7 to 8 cm. At this time, all the soil on the original ridge needs to be cultivated in the planting ditch, so that the ditch in which the ginger grows becomes a ridge, and the original ridge becomes a ditch. It is very important to cultivate soil this time. It is the key to the growth and development of ginger. If the soil is shallow, the ginger block will be short and thick; if the soil is thick, the ginger block will be slender. Later, if ginger buds are found, soil should be cultivated in time to ensure normal growth of ginger roots.
Each time the soil is used in combination with fertilization and watering, it should be fertilized and then soiled after fertilization. Before the first and second soil incubation, 5 kg of compound fertilizer and 40 kg of bio-organic fertilizer can be applied per acre. The plant should be applied at a distance of about 15 cm from the base of the plant. The compound fertilizer should not be applied to the base of the plant to avoid burning seedlings. Shi Hou earth, watering. Last fertilization should increase the amount of fertilizer, this time is the fastest growing period of ginger rhizomes, requiring a large amount of fertilizer, can be applied per acre 50 kg of compound fertilizer and 75 kg of bio-organic fertilizer.

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