Spring potato planting techniques

I. Selection of improved varieties: The virus-free potato varieties suitable for planting in Tengzhou include: Feiwu Ruiqi (Netherlands No.7, The Netherlands No.15), Lu Yin No.1, Jinyin No.8 (8ta), Dongnong 303, etc. It is suitable for both open field cultivation and protected cultivation. It is currently a good early maturing variety with concentrated potato, large tuber, high yield, and good commercial quality. ?

Second, cut and germination: germination sowing is an effective measure to increase production, can make potato seedlings, seedlings, seedlings strong, and increase production. Germination should be carried out 15-20 days before sowing. Generally, 50 pieces per kilogram of seed can be cut, and at least 1 eye is required for each cut, with a weight of about 25 grams. When cutting, the apical dominance is fully utilized to try to carry the top bud. Ensure that the seedlings are neat, and special attention should be paid to eliminating hybrids or diseased potatoes. After cutting and cutting, the knife blade is cured and healed. Heaps are germinated at a temperature of 15-20 °C or in a leeward sunny Yangshuo seedlings. Generally about 50 kilograms per square meter can be stacked. The plastic film is used to facilitate warming and moisturizing, and light is added during the daytime. , cover the grasshopper at night.

Third, timely sowing: when the temperature is stable through 7 °C (usually in early March) can be sown. The suitable sowing period in our city is: the mulch film cover is 7-8 days before the “convulsions”; the mulch + single shed covers the “rainwater” before and after; the double shed can be planted before and after the “Spring”. If you have a lack of lyricism, you must do it before you broadcast. Generally, the planting density is 4800 plants/mu (7020cm) or 5000 plants/mu (6520cm). The market should be denser in the protected area, and the open market can be thinner in the evening. The sowing method is to open the ditch by row spacing, combined with the application of fertilizer, sowing after the cover from the soil, sowing depth of about 8cm, cut from the dome 12-17cm, overlying soil, potatoes will be exposed to blue, affect the quality; Deep will delay emergence and affect yield. Protected growers shall cover and seal tightly on the day of sowing. Those covered by large, medium and small arch shelters shall be allowed to pressurize the film line on the surface of the shelter and be ventilated, ventilated, top-dressed and watered at any time. Covering the mulching film, after sowing, the soil is earthworms, flattened the surface, sprayed with herbicides, and then covered with plastic film. ?

Fourth, rational fertilization: potato is a high-yielding fertilizer crops, very sensitive to fertilizer. The production of 1000 kilograms of potato blocks requires absorption of 5 kg of pure nitrogen, 2 kg of phosphorus, and 10 kg of potassium from the soil. The ratio of the three is 1:0.5:1.5. Potassium can increase plant disease resistance and promote the expansion of tubers. Fertilization should be based on organic fertilizer (soil manure) as a base fertilizer, both to improve the soil, but also for a steady stream of potatoes to absorb and use. Generally, over 5,000 kg of high-quality organic fertilizer is applied per acre. If the amount of organic fertilizer is low, it can be applied to the sowing ditch at the time of sowing. Meanwhile, a high-quality compound fertilizer of 100 kg or more must be applied, and potassium chloride should not be applied when chemical fertilizer is applied. Early-maturing varieties should not be top-dressed and should be given at one time when sowing. ?

Fifth, field management: 1, before emergence: loose soil, increase ground temperature and promote early emergence. In this period of protection, there is neither ventilation nor top-dressing watering. The emphasis is on increasing the amount of light and preventing wind, snow and rain from damaging the shed. 2, the emergence period: cover the film, it is timely to artificially assist the rupture of film; open cultivation, after rain or watering, timely scratching, breaking the hard shell, so that seedlings can be successfully unearthed, and promote Miao Qi, Miao whole, Miao Zhuang. Watering at the seedling stage depends on the public sentiment. Water can not be irritated and the ground temperature can be reduced. 3, hair tree period: After the potato out of seedlings, the main goal is to promote the growth of the luxuriant tree planting, take advantage of high yield shelf. The main points of management are not watering without drought, flooding without ridges, and cultivating, earth-cultivation, and finally cultivating the shoulders before the group seals to create a good condition for tuber. When cutting soil, do not damage the functional leaves. If fertilizer is lacking, fertilizer should be applied in a timely manner. Large, medium, and small arch sheds should gradually increase the time for ventilation and ventilation, and after the “grain rain”, the protection facilities can be removed depending on the weather conditions. 4. Potato period: After the budding of the potato pods begins, the potato will begin to grow to the flowering stage and the potatoes will expand quickly. At this time, the amount of watering should be increased. If it does not rain, it should be poured into three waters. Each water interval is 5-7. Days, should be poured water, avoid flooding. The principle of watering is to keep the soil moist and not to cause water accumulation in the field. This period should also pay attention to pest control, especially potato disease, should be based on prevention in advance, to prevent the main, once the disease is difficult to control. During this period, if the plant has a phenomenon of leggy, artificial control should be carried out, and 1-2 paclobutrazol can be sprayed with a conversion concentration of 100 ppm. 5, harvest: potatoes should stop watering 7-10 days before harvest. 1 large, medium and small sheds are listed in advance and can be sold at a good price. According to the market price and yield benefit of the city, the appropriate harvest time is before and after the May 1st Festival. 2 For open cultivation, it should be allowed to grow sufficiently to form a higher yield and better specifications of the tuber to obtain better benefits. The appropriate harvest time is in early June.

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